As you wander along the vast marble halls, whispers of the past find their way over to you. Will you listen?

Welcome to the Kingdom of Cress, an English Klonoa fansite and resource. It will attempt to be exhaustive, and relatively objective (though not entirely without opinion) to help newer English-speaking fans navigate this Japanese series from the late 90's with ease. Additional disclaimer, the English on this site is primarily USAmerican English.

To get started, try clicking on the buttons on the sidebar for information about the series's history, games, characters, comics, and more!

Update 09/08/2023

Working more on written content for the site, but I still don't have the final few drawn assets done. Regardless, this site will still have any visual assets from the series I don't have to draw, myself. The goal for right now is just to make sure all the main sidebar links don't lead to blank pages.

Update 08/26/2023

The CSS for this site has been mostly finalized and all pages have been updated accordingly. As for now, I'm working on writing the actual content for each page and replacing the filler text. I also have to finish the drawings for the home page and the error page, because maintaining the energy to draw is difficult right now.