Relevant Links

Below are some links to other sites that make this site's existence possible. I encourage you to check them out!

This site is hosted on Neocities, and I personally really love their dedication to de-centralizing the web and encouraging the development of website-building skills in the average internet user. If you have any interest in HTML or Web 1.0, I strongly suggest you try using their platform.

Artsy Starleta on Ko-fi

While I never want to pressure anyone into giving me money for no reason, if you would like to support the site-builder, I am an independent artist and I have a Ko-fi. If you'd like to check it out, and you can afford it, I would very much appreciate it :)

Klonoa-at-Blog is my biggest inspiration for creating this site. In reality, this site is mostly my venture into practicing CSS and HTML using something I love as a springboard. At the same time, I was deeply inspired by Klonoa-at-Blog's dedication to making this series as accessible as possible to English Speaking fans, and they're a resource I've used many times before even conceiving of this site. I have a a lot of respect for them.

Part of why I wanted to do something similar, here, is because I worry about the longevity of social media, which is where they primarily host their archiving and accessibility efforts. I thought "if Klonoa-at-Blog were to dissappear someday, what kind of centralized resources would be left for English fans?". I don't think I'd be the only one, obviously, but I'd like to do my part to help. The more English resources for Klonoa out there, the better, in my opinion.

Still, this website, as it currently stands, is slow-moving, slow-building. I'm a busy and (quite frankly) very tired person, though I'd like to not be, and it'll take me a while to make this site anywhere near comparable to this blog. So I HIGHLY encourage new English fans to check this blog out and explore, especially as this site is still currently in its infancy! They're a magnificent resource and I could not recommend them enough!

Another fantastic resource for those who love video games! I ended up using them as a resource often for this site! They're dedicated to preserving concept art, promotional art, manual art, and assets from various video games. The majority of their stuff is very high quality and the enrtire blog is very well organized and easy to navigate! They also have an associated blog called oldgamemags that archives gaming magazines! Amazingly cool stuff!!

And, of course, it feels necessary to link the official Klonoa site from the early 2000's. I've linked a Google-Translated version of the webpage, and while I don't like Google Translate very much, I think it helps make the site more navigable to English-speakers. There are some cool bits and pieces you can find on this site, so I recommend you try poking around!